Law Reform Commission’s Library is Open for Business

The Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission (SILRC) is proud to announce that they have embraced new library technology with the implementation of Koha open source library management system. The Koha online catalogue captures key bibliographic information about books, journals, and other legal resources.
An important service provided by the automated catalogue is the quick and easy desktop access to online resources for the Ministry & Justice and Legal Affairs (MJLA) community through the SIG network.
SILRC Chairman, Frank Paulsen said “The move to Koha is an exciting step for us as we will be moving to a fully automated library catalogue. We look forward to providing the best possible experience for our staff and legal community as well as the most efficient system for accessing our valuable library collection.”
Aiding and assisting in the Koha implementation was Australian Business Volunteer, Christine Brunton who has a wealth of experience in both public and academic libraries. “Koha was a cost effective solution to automating the SILRC library because it is open source software. “
Although there is some cost involved in installation, Koha software is free because librarians across the world contribute to its ongoing development and maintenance. Koha’s cost effectiveness is further enhanced through its ability to
Consolidate both hard copy and e-book catalogue
Integrate research sources (Internet, local documents, etc.) into central repository
And use existing hardware.
Installation and customization of Koha was completed by Aladdin Evo (Fyllo Productions) working closely with SIG ICT SU to complete the project.
About Koha
Koha is a web-based application for accessing a greater range of library resources. The Koha online catalogue offers end users excellent search capabilities to SILRC’s library collection of books and journals. The system also connects to electronic resources such as legal databases and full text electronic journals and books.
Law Reform Commission
The Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission is an independent statutory body, funded by the government, and established by the Law Reform Commission Act 1994. The Commission reviews and reports on reform of the law in accordance with references given by the Minister for Justice and Legal Affairs.
VisionSolomon Islanders will have laws that are just, equitable, relevant, responsive, effective and equally accessible to all to ensure peace, good governance and sustainable development.
Its Mission is to review and make recommendations to the Government in relation to the reform of laws in keeping with the changing needs of Solomon Islands’ society.
For further information please contact us through 38773.