
Philip Kanairara
Mr. Philip Kanairara is the Secretary to the Solomon Islands Law Reform Commission (Commission). He joined the Commission in 2009 as a Senior Legal Officer. He was appointed the Principal Legal Officer in 2012. In 2014 he was appointed as the Chief Legal Officer, a position he held until 2016 when he was appointed as the Secretary to the Commission.
He has research interest in customary law, climate change, intellectual property law, criminal law, international fisheries law, legal system, good governance, law reform and development, and constitutional and administrative law.
Mr. Kanairara graduated from the University of the South Pacific (USP) with a Bachelor of Laws in 2006, a Professional Diploma in Legal Practice (PDLP) in 2008, a Professional Diploma in Legislative Drafting (PDLD) in 2011, and a Master of Laws (LLM) in 2012. He recently, in March 2021, graduated with a Master of Law and Devolvement from the University of Melbourne.